inches to feet

in = ? ft

This converter makes instant conversions from inches (in) to feet (ft). It also provides the conversion steps. To use the converter, please provide a value in the input field. The converter will begin making conversions as the values are being typed in.

How many feet in an inch?

Both inch and foot are units of length in the United States (US) customary systems of measurement as well as in the British imperial system. In both systems, a foot is defined to have 12 inches. Based on this definition, there are ≈ 0.08333333 feet in an inch.

How to convert inches to feet

Based on the definition of 1 foot being exactly 12 inches, the inch to foot conversion formula is:

foot =

Thus, to convert from inches to feet, divide a value in inches by 12. For example, convert 30 inches to feet:

30 in =
ft = 2.5 ft
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