kilograms to grams

kg = ? g

This converter makes instant conversions from kilograms (kg) to grams (g). It also provides the conversion steps. To use the converter, please provide a value in the input field. The converter will begin making conversions as the values are being typed in.

How many grams in a kilogram?

Both gram and kilogram are units of mass in the International System of Units (SI). In SI, units of measurement are comprised of a base unit and a prefix that describes the magnitude of the unit. The base unit of the kilogram is the gram, and the prefix "kilo-" indicates the magnitude 103. In other words, a kilogram is 1000 grams. Therefore, there are 1000 grams in a kilogram.

How to convert kilograms to grams

Based on the definition of 1000 grams in a kilogram, the kilogram to gram conversion formula is:

g = kg × 1000

Thus, to convert from kilograms to grams, multiply a value in kilograms by 1000. For example, convert the body weight of a cat weighed 4.5 kilograms to grams:

4.5 kg = 4.5 × 1000 g = 4500 g

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