Math Calculators

Fraction Calculator
The fraction calculator can be used to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers. It provides the answer as well as the solving process.

Percentage Calculator
The percentage calculator calculates percentages of numbers relative to other numbers, and can be used to answer questions such as, 'what is 5% of 23?'

Square Root Calculator
This calculator computes the square root of a positive number. It also provides the simplified form of the radical for integers smaller than 10 trillion.

GCD Calculator
This calculator computes the greatest common divisor/factor (GCD or GCF) of two or more integers. It also shows the solution process of two methods.

LCM Calculator
This calculator computes the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two or more integers. It also shows the solution process for two methods used to find the LCM.

Standard Deviation Calculator
This calculator computes the population and sample standard deviation of a data set. It also provides the variance, mean, and sum.

Quadratic Formula Calculator
This calculator solves quadratic equations and shows the solving process using the quadratic formula.

Slope Calculator
This calculator provides the slope, equation, and a diagram of a line (given the coordinates of two different points).

Volume Calculator
This calculator computes the volume of a cylinder, cone, sphere, prism, or pyramid. It also provides the solving process.

Distance Calculator
This calculator computes the distance between two points in a two or three-dimensional space.

Scientific Notation Calculator
This calculator converts between various number formats including scientific notation, e-notation, engineering notation, and real numbers.

Probability Calculator
This calculator computes the probability of two independent events for various situations. It also provides the solving process.

Average Calculator
This calculator computes the average or mean of a data set. It also provides a count of the number of terms, as well as their sum.

Ratio Calculator
This calculator solves ratio problems of the form A:B = C:D given two, three, or four values, can determine whether a proportion is true or false given 4 values, reduces a ratio to lowest terms, and lists some equivalent ratios of a ratio that is input in lowest terms.

Percentage Increase Calculator
This calculator computes the percentage increase from one value to another. It can also calculate the increase in a value by a specified percentage or amount.

Z-Score Calculator
This calculator computes the Z-score and probability for a normal distribution, and can also convert between Z-score and probability.

Z-Test Calculator
This calculator computes data for both the one-sample Z-test and the two-sample Z-test. It also provides diagrams to visualize the results.

Math Calculators
Time and Date Calculators
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Financial Calculators
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